• Original research article
  • July 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article deals with the problem of the Celtic linguistic authentic tradition, its interrelation with the literary tradition as well as with the poetics and morphology of Pictish inscriptions. The epigraphy of the Picts (poetics, syntax, morphology, cross-cultural interrelations), which along with the Celtic tradition was influenced by the literary monastic culture, is studied. The analysis shows that the epigraphy of the Picts is an alphabet of notes, contains a double stress in prosody, and the structure of the inscriptions includes incorporated elements of the extralinguistic nature.


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Author information

Anna Andreevna Men'shikova

National Research Tomsk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 1, 2017.


  • традиция
  • мифопоэтика
  • когнитивный подход
  • пиктская эпиграфика
  • кельтский язык
  • взаимоотношение
  • письмена
  • поэзия и образность
  • предикат
  • индоевропейские основы
  • tradition
  • mythopoetics
  • cognitive approach
  • Pictish epigraphy
  • the Celtic language
  • interrelation
  • characters
  • poetry and figurativeness
  • predicate
  • Indo-European foundations


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