The article is devoted to the problem of homonymous composite representation in the dictionaries. The author analyzes the data of Russian explanatory and specialized dictionaries which refer the same composites to the different paradigmatic groups. By the example of compounds the paper shows the variants to classify the same lexemes as homonyms or polysemantic words. Confusion and non-differentiation of polysemes (polysemantic lexemes) and homonyms indicates the absence of strict linguistic principles to differentiate these phenomena and clear criteria of their differentiation in dictionary compiling practice.
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About this article
Publication history
- Published: July 1, 2017.
- сложное слово
- лексикография
- омонимия
- полисемия
- множественная мотивация
- производное слово
- метафорический перенос
- compound
- lexicography
- homonymy
- polysemy
- multi- motivation
- derivative
- metaphorical transfer
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