• Original research article
  • August 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article deals with the creative work of the Abaza writer Bemurza Khangerievich Tkhaitsukhov in the context of the state of people’s spiritual culture, the specific peculiarities of its development, the level of its historical and spiritual self-awareness and aesthetic self-expression. B. Tkhaitsukhov made a significant contribution to the development of the genres of the Abaza literature, to the enrichment of its poetics, to the philosophical understanding of a human being and the surrounding world in the national artistic images and definitions. The prose and the poetry of the distinctive Abaza writer are remarkable for their proximity to the national and artistic traditions of his people. B. Tkhaitsukhov uses skillfully the aesthetic and epic techniques of folklore, which in turn enriches his artistic palette.


  1. Бекизова Л. А. От богатырского эпоса к роману. Черкесск: Ставроп. кн. изд-во; Карачаево-Черкес. отд-ние, 1974. 288 с.
  2. Дюришин Д. Теория сравнительного изучения литературы. М.: Прогресс, 1979. 318 с.
  3. Толстой Л. Н. Полное собрание сочинений: в 90 т. М.: ГИХЛ, 1951. Т. 30. 340 с.
  4. Тугов В. Б. Литература в меняющемся мире. Статьи разных лет. Карачаевск: КЧГУ, 2006. 267 с.
  5. Тхайцухов Б. Думы мои: стихи и поэмы. Черкесск: Черкесское книжное издательство, 1980. 128 с.
  6. Числов М. Время зрелости - пора поэмы: состояние и проблемы жанра поэмы, тенденции современной поэзии. М.: Советский писатель, 1986. 397 с.

Author information

Lelya Nazirovna Tugova

Karachay-Circassian State University named after U. D. Aliev

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: August 1, 2017.


  • Б. Тхайцухов
  • абазинская литература
  • поэзия и проза
  • национальная литература
  • духовная культура народа
  • историческое и духовное самосознание
  • ценности народного бытия
  • этнонациональный мирообраз
  • B. Tkhaitsukhov
  • Abaza literature
  • poetry and prose
  • national literature
  • spiritual culture of the people
  • historical and spiritual self-awareness
  • values of people’s being
  • ethnonational world image


© 2017 The Author(s)
© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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