• Original research article
  • August 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the consideration of the functioning of time expressions as one of the relevant components of cognitive-functional taxis models serving for the realization of semantics of sequence, simultaneity and precedence. In the course of the analysis the author comes to the conclusion that the most important role is played by the time expressions in models containing the nuclear components of the independent taxis, the least important one - in models containing the peripheral components of the independent taxis, and in the dependent taxis their significance is limited to the gerund model.


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Author information

Nataliya Leonidovna Kudinova

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: August 1, 2017.


  • временнóе выражение
  • когнитивно-функциональная модель
  • зависимый таксис
  • независимый таксис
  • семантическая функция
  • одновременность
  • предшествование
  • следование


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