• Original research article
  • September 1, 2017
  • Open access



This article deals with the Scottish hydronyms within the framework of the linguosemiotic approach in order to identify the landmark realia of the Scottish linguoculture. As a result of the analysis the biological diversity is revealed, the peculiarities of folklore and mythology, household, labor and spiritual spheres of life of the Scottish people are identified. The author pays attention to the semantics of the hydronymic layer, and singles out such types of hydronyms as oceanonyms, pelagonyms, limnonyms, potamonyms and gelonyms.


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Author information

Mariya Mikhailovna Pentsova

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 1, 2017.


  • гидроним
  • гидронимикон
  • океаноним
  • пелагоним
  • лимноним
  • потамоним
  • гелоним
  • бытовая сфера жизни
  • религиозная составляющая
  • священные водные объекты
  • мифологические существа
  • hydronym
  • hydronymicon
  • oceanonym (name of an ocean)
  • pelagonym (name of a sea)
  • limnonym (name of a lake)
  • potamonym (name of a river)
  • gelonym (name of a bog)
  • household sphere of life
  • religious component
  • sacred water objects
  • mythological creatures


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