• Original research article
  • October 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article considers the description of vices and diseases in Russian literature from folklore to the XX century. The authors of the article discovered the evolution of this problem: in folklore fever was the most common disease, in the era of romanticism - madness, in the XIX century - physical malaise, defects and moral diseases, in the XX century there appeared such diseases as drunkenness, psychosis, migraine, early canities and others, the main causes of which were economic and social crisis. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of vices and diseases in M. I. Tsvetaeva’s poem “The Tsar-Maid”. The main characters of the work are carriers of numerous vices and diseases: insomnia, despair, nervous disorders, ischemic diseases, apathetic condition, drunkenness, caused by various circumstances - weakness of character, unanswered love, witchcraft.


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Author information

Anastasiya Ivanovna Saushkina

Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

Liliya Mudarisovna Ramazanova

Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

Galina Nikolaevna Bozhkova

Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 1, 2017.


  • пороки
  • недуги
  • славянская мифология
  • тема болезни в древнерусской литературе
  • недуги в литературе романтизма
  • виды пороков и недугов в литературе ХIХ-ХХ веков
  • поэма М. И. Цветаевой «Царь-девица»
  • vices
  • diseases
  • Slavic mythology
  • theme of disease in the Old Russian literature
  • diseases in literature of romanticism
  • types of vices and diseases in literature of the XIX-XX centuries
  • M. I. Tsvetaeva’s poem “The Tsar-Maid”


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