• Original research article
  • October 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the study of the creative work of the Ossetian poet-symbolist of the early XX century - Alikhan Inusovich Tokaev (1893-1920). In particular, the play “The White Crows” is analyzed, in which the ideas of realism and symbollism uniquely merged. The work reveals the traditions of the patriarchal family, determines Tokaev’s view on the problems of family and personal relations in the Ossetian society of the early XX century: obsolescent customs, absence of women’s rights, the need for education. As a result of the analysis the need for a change is identified and substantiated both within the patriarchal family (which has become obsolete) and in the society as a whole. The author, for the first time in the Ossetian literary criticism, interprets the symbolic perception of the ending of the play and substantiates the introduction of some controversial images.


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Author information

Dzerassa Kazbekovna Khetagurova

Research Department “Scythian-Alan Research Center” of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Federal Scientific Center “Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 1, 2017.


  • драматургия
  • театр
  • трагедия
  • символизм
  • реализм
  • патриархальная семья
  • обычаи
  • традиции
  • А. И. Токаев
  • dramaturgy
  • theatre
  • tragedy
  • symbolism
  • realism
  • patriarchal family
  • customs
  • traditions
  • A. I. Tokaev


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