• Original research article
  • October 1, 2017
  • Open access



In the article the result of the psycholinguistic experiment on the identification of such cognitive and moral lacunae in the ordinary consciousness of modern adolescents, which are formed in the process of comprehending the moral notion “pride”, containing the mutually exclusive semes in the interpretation of the dictionary definition, is described. The reasons for the formation of lacunae are identified and discussed using the method of a component analysis of dictionary definitions, quantitative and psycholinguistic methods. The table of correspondences with synonymous notions of the definition “pride”, where, on the one hand, the main semes of the synonyms are presented, and on the other hand, feelings and emotions objectified by these analogous notions can be seen, is proposed. The analysis of the respondents’ answers is carried out and the moments of substitution of one notion for another on the basis of the formation of lacunae and coinciding semes encoded in the ordinary consciousness of adolescents are analyzed.


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Author information

Nina Ivanovna Kolodina

Voronezh State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 1, 2017.


  • структурированность понятия «гордость»
  • подмена понятий
  • «гордыня, самоуважение, самолюбие, высокомерие, надменность»
  • таблица соответствий
  • нравственно-когнитивные лакуны
  • structuredness of the notion “pride”
  • substitution of notions
  • “pride, self-respect, self-esteem, arrogance, haughtiness”
  • correspondence table
  • moral and cognitive lacunae


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