• Original research article
  • December 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article is written within the framework of linguistic pragmatics and is devoted to the problems, factors and trends in the formation of one-word and compound lexical non-codified units of the professional Russian and English languages of photographers. A detailed analysis is made of 545 non-codified Russian units and 494 non-codified English units, placed on the communication platforms of professional photographers and amateur photographers - “Клуб.Foto.ru” in Russia and “Photo.net” in the USA for 2015. In the course of the study, the reasons for the formation of non-codified units are identified, which makes it possible to reveal the symmetry and asymmetry of the principles of professionalisms generation in the Russian and English languages of photographers.


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  7. http://club.foto.ru/ (дата обращения: 29.03.2017).
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Author information

Margarita Andreevna Mikhailova

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 1, 2017.


  • профессиональный язык фотографов
  • принципы порождения профессионализмов
  • некодифицированные единицы
  • принцип экономии
  • принцип избыточности
  • принцип дисфемизации
  • принцип эмфазы
  • professional language of photographers
  • principles of generation of professionalisms
  • non-codified units
  • principle of economy
  • principle of redundancy
  • principle of dysphemism
  • principle of emphases


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