• Original research article
  • December 1, 2017
  • Open access



The article analyzes onomastic potential of “Bayern München” fans’ chants. According to the research findings, the analyzed onyms refer to four categories of proper names: ergonyms, toponyms, anthroponyms and cosmonyms. The authors identify the basic characteristics of onomastic vocabulary of fans’ chants, mention the insufficient study of German fans’ chants and emphasize the necessity for further studies in this sphere with a view to describe football fan’s image.


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Author information

Tat'yana Vladimirovna Shpar

Bashkir State Agrarian University

Al'fiya Faritovna Aznabaeva

Bashkir State Agrarian University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 1, 2017.


  • футбольная кричалка
  • ономастический потенциал
  • онимы
  • эргонимы
  • топонимы
  • антропонимы
  • космонимы
  • fans’ chant
  • onomastic potential
  • onyms
  • ergonyms
  • toponyms
  • anthroponyms
  • cosmonyms


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© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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