• Original research article
  • February 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the problem of describing nomenclature of fauna nominations in the modern English language from the position of linguistic semantics. It emphasizes the dominant terminological nature in the nominations under consideration, which, however, does not exclude the formation of derivative connotations in their functional-semantic format. In the article, it is a feature of zoonyms-terms that are collectively considered as a part of the language information received by the native speaker as a result of their semantic mapping.


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  5. Серебренников Б. А., Кубрякова Е. С., Постовалова В. И. и др. Роль человеческого фактора в языке: языковая картина мира. М.: Наука, 1988. 216 с.
  6. Alanne E. Observation of the Development and Structure of English Growing Terminology // Memoires de la Societe Neophiloloigue: Uusfilologinen Yhdistys. Helsinki, 1959. Р. 33-36.
  7. Bosworth J., Toller T. N. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882. Vol. 1. 1302 р.; Vol. 2. 768 р.
  8. English-Russian Dictionary of Agriculture. Moscow: At Russky Yazyk, 1986. 875 р.
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Author information

Vladimir Gennad'evich Baltachev

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 1, 2018.


  • номинативные средства
  • образное мышление
  • семантическое картирование
  • лексикализованный концепт
  • языковая картина мира
  • материковая флора и фауна
  • гиперо-гипонимия
  • зооним
  • геолокация
  • коннотативное значение
  • родовидовая номинация
  • nominative means
  • creative thinking
  • semantic mapping
  • lexicalized concept
  • linguistic worldview
  • continental flora and fauna
  • hypero-hyponymy
  • zoonym
  • geolocation
  • connotative meaning
  • gender and aspect nomination


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