• Original research article
  • March 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the description of the types of phraseological units polysemy by the material of the German language. Meanings of a polysemantic phraseological unit are considered in two aspects: topological and semantic. The work uses examples from the German lexicographic sources, describes the types of a meaningful connection between meanings that are different from the metaphor. The possibility of various rethinking of the original image is shown not only on the basis of obvious features of this image, but also on the basis of “conjectured” features. The study formulates a preliminary characteristic of the conditions, in which the reinterpretation of the original image takes meanings into one sphere of reality or into different spheres. The author describes the phenomenon of diffusion, which characterizes the relationship between the meanings of a phraseological unit not only in semantic, but also in topological terms.


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Author information

Svetlana Ruslanovna Lipatova

Moscow State University of Education

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2018.


  • топологический аспект многозначности
  • семантический аспект многозначности
  • исходный образ
  • радиальный тип связи
  • цепочечный тип связи
  • «домысленный» признак исходного образа
  • сфера действительности
  • «вторичный метафорический сдвиг»
  • «параллельный метафорический сдвиг»
  • topological aspect of polysemy
  • semantic aspect of polysemy
  • original image
  • radial type of connection
  • chain type of connection
  • “conjectured” feature of original image
  • sphere of reality
  • “secondary metaphorical shift”
  • “parallel metaphorical shift”


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