• Original research article
  • May 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article examines the gallery of women’s images in the novel “Өske kadai” (“Stranger Woman”, 1980) by the national writer of the Tuva Republic S. Surun-ool. The writer realistically portrayed the life of typical urban young people, tackled the problem of social reprimand, money-grubbing among young people, depicting spiritual emptiness, irresponsibility and dissoluteness of two young women, Emer-kys and Sama. Portraying his characters the writer uses such techniques as contrast, artistic parallelism, comparison, action, etc. Figurative characteristics are endowed with the typical national features of the Tuvinian woman - obedience to destiny (Shovaa Shozhutovna), generosity, devotion, maternal care, personal involvement (Denzivaa) and the ability to understand the fatality of her situation and to find her place in the society (Emer-kys and Sama).


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  4. Самдан З. Б. От фольклора к литературе. Кызыл: Тув. кн. изд-во, 1987. 77 с.
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  6. Современная русская советская литература: в 2-х ч. / под ред. А. Г. Бочарова, Г. А. Белой. М.: Просвещение, 1987. 256 с.
  7. Сюрюн-оол С. С. Өске кадай. Кызыл: ТНYЧ, 1980. 271 с.
  8. Татаринцева М. П. Развитие литературно-критической мысли в Туве. Кызыл: Тув. кн. изд-во, 1983. 135 с.
  9. Хадаханэ М. А. Тувинская проза. Кызыл: Тув. кн. изд-во, 1968. 131 с.
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Author information

Shonchalai Dadar-oolovna Oorzhak

Tuva Institute for the Humanities and Applied Socio-Economic Research

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 15, 2018.
  • Published: May 1, 2018.


  • образ
  • характер
  • внутренний мир
  • поступки и действия
  • внешний облик
  • душевное состояние
  • переживания
  • приемы контраста, параллелизма, сравнения
  • image
  • character
  • inner world
  • acts and actions
  • appearance
  • state of mind
  • feelings
  • techniques of contrast, parallelism, comparison


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© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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