• Original research article
  • August 1, 2018
  • Open access



The debatable problem of language origin is still relevant. The article considers natural language and its acoustic texture and focuses on characterizing sound as a phenomenon with the unique features, which promoted the origin of articulated speech and thinking. Scientific originality of the paper involves the claim that sound’s natural ability to bear objective information on its source imparted in the very form of matter existence became a basis for the origin of natural languages. It indicates the organic relation of language not only with the social sphere of human activity but also with the material element of the physical world.


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Author information

Ruslan Gadzhimuradovich Kadimov

Dagestan State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 4, 2018.
  • Published: August 1, 2018.


  • звучание
  • источник
  • движение
  • информативность
  • происхождение языка
  • мышление
  • sound
  • source
  • motion
  • informativeness
  • origin of language
  • thinking


© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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