• Original research article
  • January 10, 2019
  • Open access



For the first time the article attempts to consider the functioning of the body’s image in the aspect of the Yakut “urban text”, which accumulates the transformations of the national worldview, the characteristic features of mental experience. The main objects of the research are the specificity of the “physical” and the ratification of a woman’s image, distinguished from this topic, as a personification of the town in the writers’ works of the early ХХ century. Special attention is paid to the consideration of urban space ambivalence, in which a character’s “inverted” roles and a man’s dual nature, exposed mainly in the context of urban environment, are revealed.


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Author information

Sargylana Eremeevna Noeva

Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 21, 2018.
  • Published: January 10, 2019.


  • городской текст
  • геопоэтика
  • антропоморфность
  • городской ландшафт
  • концепт тела
  • образ женщины
  • эволюция героя
  • urban text
  • geopoetics
  • anthropomorphism
  • urban landscape
  • body concept
  • woman’s image
  • character’s evolution


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