• Original research article
  • January 10, 2019
  • Open access



The research focuses on the study of the space-time structure in P. G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster novels. Time and space in the literature show significant genre specifics. Time in P. G. Wodehouse’s novels is logic-consistent, events are presented in a streamline order. However, the flow of the plot time can accelerate or slowdown. It is established that social class, lifestyle patterns, standards and the code of conduct, as well as relatives and friends, shape the spatial integrity of Wodehouse’s novels. The heroes are not simply locked up in an enclosed space; rather, they have no pursuit to break its predetermined limits. Thus, the world in Wodehouse’s novels is marked by escapism.


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Author information

Elena Martovna Kitaeva

Saint Petersburg University

Eleonora Viktorovna Shabunina

Saint Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 12, 2018.
  • Published: January 10, 2019.


  • пространственно-временная структура
  • сюжет
  • хронологическая последовательность
  • хронотоп
  • замкнутое пространство
  • перцептуальное время
  • статичные герои
  • художественная условность
  • комический характер
  • эскапизм
  • интрига
  • эмоциональный тон повествования
  • природа комического
  • space-time structure
  • plot
  • chronological sequence
  • chronotope
  • space limits
  • perceptual time
  • static characters
  • artistic convention
  • comic character
  • escapism
  • intrigue
  • emotional modality of narrative
  • comic nature


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