F. M. Klinger’s dramatic dilogy “Medea in Corinth” (1786) / “Medea in the Caucasus” (1791) radically modernizes the traditional mythological story, combining the titanism of “Sturm und Drang”, sentimentalistic psychologism and scepticism of late Enlightenment. The dilogy is also contradictive to the contemporary doctrine of Weimar classicism and ideology of the French Revolution proclaiming belief in moral potential of human nature and vast opportunities for aesthetic education. The author shows that the dilogy introduces a myth version, which emphasizes personality origin. Moreover, personality is considered in the integrity of social and psychological features.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: April 25, 2019.
- Published: July 10, 2019.
- Ф. М. Клингер
- миф о Медее
- «Буря и натиск»
- сентиментализм
- позднее Просвещение
- веймарский классицизм
- психологизация
- скепсис
- личностное начало
- F. M. Klinger
- myth about Medea
- “Sturm und Drang”
- sentimentalism
- late Enlightenment
- Weimar classicism
- psychologization
- scepticism
- personality origin
© 2019 The Author(s)
© 2019 Gramota Publishing, LLC