The article considers the relevant problem of national identity. In the English novels, this problem is associated with the “country house” image. The paper argues that the “country house” concept and the image of Arcadia related to it play the key role in the process of developing national identity and they are a figurative representation of the English national idea. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author clarifies the interaction of the country-house novel genre and the England-Arcadia literary image by the example of E. Brontë’s novel “Wuthering Heights”.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: May 4, 2019.
- Published: July 10, 2019.
- английскость
- национальная идентичность
- Аркадия
- Э. Бронте
- роман
- усадебный роман
- хронотоп дома
- Englishness
- national identity
- Arcadia
- E. Brontë
- novel
- country-house novel
- house chronotope
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