• Original research article
  • July 10, 2019
  • Open access



Relevance of the work is conditioned by interest in the problems of business communication genres functioning in the English language. On the basis of the material of the representative specialized corpus of business letters collected from both public and private companies of the United Arab Emirates, the author aims to describe the language specificity of the data samples of written business communication and to reveal statistically significant differences in the use of modal verbs between authentic texts and the studied corpus. In the article, differences in the frequency of using modal verbs are analysed, and the dominant types of modality are identified.


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Author information

Yassien Shareef Saed Al-Bayati

Volgograd State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 26, 2019.
  • Published: July 10, 2019.


  • деловое письмо
  • модальность
  • модальный глагол
  • типы модальности
  • деловой дискурс
  • корпусная лингвистика
  • частотность употребления
  • business letter
  • modality
  • modal verb
  • types of modality
  • business discourse
  • corpus linguistics
  • frequency of use


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