• Original research article
  • October 20, 2019
  • Open access



The article analyses the conception of social modernization developed by M. F. Akhundzade in his epistolary heritage, literary, scientific and philosophical works. In his opinion, one of the key criteria of the civilized society is freedom of thought and liberty of speech. It is shown that in his conception, M. F. Akhundzade refers to the works of the West European writers and philosophers, such as John Milton and John Stuart Mill. The essence of M. F. Akhundzade’s conception of social modernization is revealed.


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  2. Тагизаде С. Мирза Фатали Ахундов и Европа. Баку: Азербайджанское государственное издательство, 1991. 304 с.
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  9. Mill J. S. On Liberty 1859. Kitchener: Batoche Books, 2001. 109 p.
  10. Milton J. Areopagitica. With a commentary by Sir Richard C. Jebb and with supplementary material. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1918. XL+130 p.
  11. Qasımzadə F. XIX əsr Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı tarixi. Bakı: Maarif, 1974. 488 s.
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Author information

Shakhbaz Shamy ogly Musaev

Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 24, 2019.
  • Published: October 20, 2019.


  • азербайджанская литература
  • М. Ф. Ахундзаде
  • драматургия
  • реалистическая художественная проза
  • эпистолярное наследие
  • свобода слова и мнения
  • модернизация
  • концепция
  • Azerbaijani literature
  • M. F. Akhundzade
  • dramaturgy
  • realistic prose
  • epistolary heritage
  • freedom of thought and liberty of speech
  • modernization
  • conception


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