• Original research article
  • January 31, 2020
  • Open access

The Chuvash Women’s Prose in the Context of Modern Literature


Women’s prose as a phenomenon of modern literature began to assert itself at the beginning of the 1990s under the influence of social changes. This research area has not been previously investigated in the Chuvash humanities. The content of the concept is considered from the viewpoint of the Chuvash literary criticism. The paper focuses on analysing this phenomenon and describing its peculiarities in the context of the modern Chuvash literature. The findings have allowed the author to conclude that the Chuvash women’s prose plays a significant role in the modern literary process.


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Author information

Vera Vital'evna Nikiforova

Chuvash State Institute of Humanities

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 7, 2019.
  • Published: January 31, 2020.


  • чувашская литература
  • современная литература
  • «женская проза»
  • авторы-женщины
  • психологизм
  • мотив
  • тема
  • прием
  • Chuvash literature
  • modern literature
  • women’s prose
  • authoresses
  • psychologism
  • motive
  • theme
  • technique


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© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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