• Original research article
  • January 31, 2020
  • Open access

Semantic Development of the Adjective ἠεροειδήσ in the Early Greek Epos


The article examines the original meaning and semantic development of the adjective ἠεροειδής in poems by Homer and Hesiod. The linguistic analysis of hypotheses concerning the etymology of the noun ἀήρ, from which this adjective derived, indicates that the lexeme ἀήρ was originally associated with the conception of invisibility. Сontextual analysis of Homeric expression ἐς ἠεροειδέα πόντον allows concluding that in Homer’s poems, the adjective ἠεροειδής meant “foggy”. But Hesiod for the first time used this adjective to describe night darkness thus contributing to its reinterpretation, and the lexeme ἡεροειδής acquired the meaning “dark”.


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Author information

Ekaterina Andreevna Druzhinina

Saint Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 6, 2019.
  • Published: January 31, 2020.


  • Гомер
  • раннегреческий эпос
  • цветообозначения
  • этимология
  • семантика
  • Homer
  • early Greek epos
  • colour terms
  • etymology
  • semantics


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