• Original research article
  • March 6, 2020
  • Open access

Story Event in the Novel “The Confessor” by D. Silva


The article examines the story event in the spy novel “The Confessor” (2003) by Daniel Silva. D. Silva’s creative work is for the first time subjected to a literary analysis; the structural approach is for the first time applied to reveal specificity of the spy novel genre. The study focuses on the “plot event”, analyses its aspects, such as chronotope, situation, collision, story event. The researcher reveals specificity of correlation of the plot and story, ascertains the role of the extra-plot event, identifies the “minus-techniques” and retardation techniques that contribute to developing the genre model of a spy novel.


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Author information

El'zara Ridvanovna Asanova

V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 18, 2020.
  • Published: March 6, 2020.


  • Дэниел Силва
  • Габриель Аллон
  • «событие, о котором рассказывается»
  • «внутренний мир художественного произведения»
  • шпионский роман
  • саспенс
  • экшен
  • авторское сознание
  • сюжетное событие
  • внесюжетное событие
  • хронотоп
  • Daniel Silva
  • Gabriel Allon
  • plot event
  • “inner world of literary work”
  • spy novel
  • suspense
  • action
  • author’s consciousness
  • story event
  • extra-plot event
  • chronotope


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