• Original research article
  • March 31, 2020
  • Open access

Artistic Time, Space and Rhythm in I. A. Goncharov’s Essay “The Month of May in Petersburg”


The article considers a poorly investigated problem of modern Goncharov studies - spatial-temporal and rhythmic arrangement of I. A. Goncharov’s essay “The Month of May in Petersburg”. Peculiarities of chronotope and rhythm in the first part of the essay are analysed. The conducted research allows identifying the basic artistic means that contribute to revealing specificity of chronotope and rhythm. The paper argues that in this essay, rhythm is not only a means of expressing chronotope but an autonomous artistic technique. The researcher concludes that this problem is poorly investigated and requires further study.


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Author information

Gul'zada Gadul'yanovna Bagautdinova

Mari State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 17, 2020.
  • Published: March 31, 2020.


  • И. А. Гончаров
  • позднее очерковое творчество
  • хронотоп
  • петербургский дом
  • бытовое время
  • социальное время
  • правило трех «единств»
  • ритм
  • I. A. Goncharov
  • late essay creative work
  • chronotope
  • Petersburg house
  • everyday time
  • social time
  • “three unities” rule
  • rhythm


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