• Original research article
  • May 29, 2020
  • Open access

Dynamics of the Concept SPORT/HORSES by the Example of the English Idioms


The article examines the English idioms with the meaning “sport/horses” . The research objective involves a linguo-culturological analysis of the English idioms associated with horse racing. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the English concept SPORT/HORSES is for the first time considered from the viewpoint of dynamic changes in cognitive schemes. Analysing examples from the modern English language, the authors conclude that conceptualization of the notions “sporting excitement” and “passion for horses” in the English idioms allows identifying cognitive models of knowledge representation, which constantly evolve within the overall context of the English cultural concepts development. This process manifests itself through changes in the use of idioms in the native English speech.


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Author information

Elena Georgievna Lyakhova

Moscow State Linguistic University

Natal'ya Yur'evna Moroz

Moscow State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 12, 2020.
  • Published: May 29, 2020.


  • идиоматика
  • когнитивные фреймы
  • когнитивные ситуации
  • картина мира
  • idiomatics
  • cognitive frames
  • cognitive situations
  • worldview


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