• Original research article
  • July 15, 2020
  • Open access

Interlanguage Equivalents vs Translation Equivalents in English and Russian (by the Example of “Good” vs “Хороший”)


A promising direction for contrastive and translation studies is the study of functioning patterns of language units and speech structures, i.e., essentially, this field of contrastive studies is aligned with translation theory. The work is novel in that the findings of such contrastive study are applied in translation theory and practice. The research aims to determine patterns of a contrastive analysis and apply them in translation theory and practice. The attained results have revealed that the range of the linguistic means helping with the choice of translation equivalents can be significantly widened if one takes into consideration the findings of the analysis in such a contrastive-translation aspect.


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Author information

Irina Alekseevna Lekomtseva

St. Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 20, 2020.
  • Published: July 15, 2020.


  • сопоставительные исследования
  • межъязыковая вариативность
  • межъязыковые соответствия
  • переводческие соответствия
  • система языка и речевая деятельность
  • contrastive studies
  • interlanguage variation
  • interlanguage equivalents
  • translation equivalents
  • language system and speech activity


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