• Original research article
  • September 30, 2020
  • Open access

Issue of Acculturation in V. Aksyonov’s Documentary Novel “In Search of Melancholy Baby”


The study aims to provide an insight into the peculiarities of acculturation depicted in V. Aksyonov’s documentary novel “In Search of Melancholy Baby”. The article lays emphasis on the factors facilitating favourable interactions between the writer, who emigrated to America, and representatives of the new culture. Taking into consideration K. Oberg’s theory, stages and peculiarities of overcoming culture shock, examples of potential strategies of acculturation are analysed. Scientific novelty of the research lies in taking an approach to studying V. Aksyonov’s documentary novel “In Search of Melancholy Baby” in the aspect of cross-cultural communication. As a result, the acculturation strategy used by the author-narrator is identified, and it is integration. The researcher concludes that the representative of the Russian creative community successfully adapted to the American culture.


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Author information

Tatyana Fedorovna Grishenkova

Surgut State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 11, 2020.
  • Published: September 30, 2020.


  • В. Аксенов
  • «В поисках грустного беби»
  • культурный шок
  • аккультурация
  • межкультурная коммуникация
  • V. Aksyonov
  • “In Search of Melancholy Baby”
  • culture shock
  • acculturation
  • cross-cultural communication


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