• Original research article
  • September 30, 2020
  • Open access

Linguistic Means for Creating Protagonist’s Image in F. S. Fitzgerald’s Novel “The Great Gatsby”


The article examines linguistic features of the novel “The Great Gatsby” by the American classical writer F. S. Fitzgerald. The study aims to identify the main linguistic means contributing to objective creation of the protagonist’s portrait. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the functional role of the epithets, metaphors, antitheses, hyperboles, periphrases, devices of expressive syntax used by the author and together recreating a physical and psychological image of Jay Gatsby, a prominent representative of the Jazz Age, is described to its fullest extent for the first time. The attained results have shown a high degree of F. S. Fitzgerald’s artistic skill, who was able to put many cultural meanings into semiotics of an anthropological portrait.


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Author information

Liana Burkhanovna Berberova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 18, 2020.
  • Published: September 30, 2020.


  • американская проза
  • Ф. С. Фицджеральд
  • «Великий Гэтсби»
  • антропоцентризм
  • главный герой
  • язык
  • тропы
  • контраст
  • экспрессивный синтаксис
  • American prose
  • F. S. Fitzgerald
  • “The Great Gatsby”
  • anthropocentrism
  • protagonist
  • language
  • tropes
  • contrast
  • expressive syntax


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