• Original research article
  • November 30, 2020
  • Open access

Western Publicists’ Poetics in Context of Media Narrative Strategies (by the Material of J. Baudrillard’s and J. Barnes’s Articles and Essays)


The paper aims to develop a style model of the modern western political journalism by the example of Jean Baudrillard’s and Julian Barnes’s narrative patterns. Scientific originality of the study involves differentiation of the categories “act of storytelling” and “narration” in the context of style models differentiation. For the first time, the researcher compares J. Baudrillard’s and J. Barnes’s ironic narratives, which represent a postmodernist style model. The conducted research allows concluding that differentiation of the factual and the fictional within publicistic discourse allows revealing influence of media stylistics on the writers’ publicistic works. A textological analysis helps to differentiate fictional and documentary zones of narration.


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Author information

Leila Lechevna Khadzhieva

Chechen State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 5, 2020.
  • Published: November 30, 2020.


  • нарративные стратегии
  • Дж. Барнс
  • Ж. Бодрийяр
  • иронический модус
  • «нон-фикшн»
  • narrative strategies
  • J. Barnes
  • J. Baudrillard
  • ironic modus
  • non-fiction


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