Peculiarities of Translating Individual Metaphors in L. Moriarty’s “The Husband’s Secret” from English into Russian
The goal of the given research is to identify the ways to translate individual metaphors from English into Russian. The scientific novelty is a new approach to metaphor translation: in certain contexts, depending on the background knowledge of English and Russian speakers as culture bearers, the denotative component of a metaphor might prevail over the aesthetic one, which makes it possible not to translate the metaphor at all. The conducted analysis allows for the conclusion that reconstructing culture non-specific components of individual metaphors presents no difficulties for translators. Among the techniques to translate culture specific metaphors, the author identifies demetaphorization and full substitution of the original metaphor.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 22, 2020.
- Published: February 10, 2021.
- художественная метафора
- способы перевода метафор
- объект (цель) метафоры
- источник метафоры
- individual metaphor
- ways to translate metaphors
- target domain in a metaphor
- source domain in a metaphor
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