Penetration and Functioning of Anglicisms in the German Sports Discourse
The study aims to determine the impact that the English language has on the German sports discourse. Scientific novelty of the work lies in studying not the borrowings themselves, but the German sports discourse, in establishing the fact of parallel development of endogenous and exogenous lexemes on the topic “Sport”. In the course of the research, the authors have studied texts of the German mass media from 1995, 2005 and 2019, analysed increase in frequency of Anglicisms use. The attained results have shown that despite significant influence of the English language, which manifests itself primarily in texts about the American sports (baseball, basketball), the German language possesses and actively uses endogenous conceptual apparatus.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 18, 2020.
- Published: February 26, 2021.
- спортивный дискурс
- заимствование
- англицизм
- лексикология немецкого языка
- стилистика немецкого языка
- sports discourse
- borrowing
- Anglicism
- German lexicology
- German stylistics
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