Philosophical Reference as Method of Artistic World Modelling in Prose of the “Generation of Forty-Year-Olds” (by the Material of A. Bitov’s and A. Kim’s Works)
The main purpose of the study is to determine specificity of functioning of double artistic reference as a method of world modelling in the process of ontologising cultural and philosophical images in prose of the “generation of forty-year-olds”. The article presents an analysis of the mythologeme “forest”, corresponding to the receptive concepts of “The Philosophy of the Common Task” by N. Fyodorov and the novella “Soul” by A. Platonov. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time referential field of the context peculiar to the mythopoetic meta-image “forest” in works by A. Bitov and A. Kim was identified, its components being archetypical, cultural and philosophical meanings. As a result, the “world-like” meta-image “forest” is defined as a meaning-bearing concentric circle of providential premonition about downfall of the “common task” in social entropy of “existential loneliness”.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 15, 2020.
- Published: February 26, 2021.
- А. Битов
- А. Ким
- референция
- миромоделирование
- философия «общего дела»
- A. Bitov
- A. Kim
- reference
- world modelling
- philosophy of “common task”
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