Certain Aspects of Comparative Linguistics in G. F. Yumart’s Works
The research aims to identify the main aspects of comparative linguistics in G. F. Yumart’s works. The article deals with an analysis of multifaceted creative work of the folklorist, literary critic, textual critic, poet and translator G. F. Yumart, who compared folklore plots, the Chuvash authors’ creative work with the Tatar, Bashkir, Mari, Russian and Udmurt material, studied history of literary translation development. The research is novel in that it is the first to study G. F. Yumart’s works devoted to identification of the main types and forms of dialogue between the Chuvash literature and other literatures of the region. The research findings have shown that having used a comparative-contrastive analysis, G. F. Yumart was able to recreate history of the Chuvash literature development in his scholarly works, identify origins of the motifs, genres, poetic traditions shared by the Turkic literatures and other literatures of the Volga region.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: January 26, 2021.
- Published: April 9, 2021.
- перевод
- компаративистика
- мотив
- жанр
- Г. Ф. Юмарт
- translation
- comparative linguistics
- motif
- genre
- G. F. Yumart
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