Theme of Modernity in the Bashkir Drama of the 1930s
The purpose of the study is to identify playwrights’ creative search in reflection of the theme of modernity and the concept of a new hero in the Bashkir drama of the 1930s. Scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the trend of gradual transition of the Bashkir drama from musical and ethnographic plays, differing in topics and genres, to the theme of the historical past, from stage plays to realistic depiction of modernity, to dramas of characters, to psychological development of characters’ spiritual world. The research findings have shown that there appeared a qualitatively new artistic solution to topics and problems, nature of conflict and the concept of the image of a new contemporary hero in the Bashkir drama of the 1930s, as compared to previous stages of its development.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 11, 2021.
- Published: April 9, 2021.
- башкирская драматургия
- социально-психологическая драма
- тематика
- проблематика
- образ современника
- Bashkir drama
- social-psychological drama
- topics
- problems
- image of contemporary
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© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC