• Original research article
  • September 15, 2021
  • Open access

Evaluativeness Role in the American Pre-Election TV Ads Strategies: Diachronic Aspect


The article analyses evaluativeness role in implementing the American pre-election TV ads strategies in the diachronic aspect. Scientific originality of the paper is conditioned by the fact that dynamics of the pre-election TV ad genre is still poorly investigated and also by the fact that the genre dynamics is considered taking into account the evaluative component of the pre-election discourse distinguished by a high pragmatic potential. The study is conducted by the material of three corpuses of the American pre-election TV ads classified according to the historical periods: 1952-1972, 1976-2000, 2004-2020. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies changes in the choice of evaluation objects, reveals the growing role of certain strategies using evaluation as a means of manipulative influence. The conducted analysis allows concluding on prevalence of negative evaluation in the modern American pre-election discourse.


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Author information

Tatiana Alexandrovna Melnichuk

North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 12, 2021.
  • Published: September 15, 2021.


  • предвыборный дискурс
  • стратегии
  • тактики
  • динамика
  • оценочность
  • pre-election discourse
  • strategies
  • tactics
  • dynamics
  • evaluativeness


© 2021 The Author(s)
© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)