• Original research article
  • October 29, 2021
  • Open access

Soviet Tatar Dramaturgy of the 1920-1930s (by the Example of the Plays by G. Ibragimov and K. Tinçurin)


The paper aims to reveal the peculiarities of Soviet Tatar dramaturgy of the 1920-1930s. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that that the author analyzes ideological and aesthetic principles of national scenic literature development in the mentioned period through the prism of invariant. The findings indicate that after October revolution of 1917 Tatar dramaturgy experienced a change of artistic paradigms which results in the refusal of national and universal human values. The analysis of G. Ibragimov’s drama “Яңа кешеләр” (“The New People”, 1920) and K. Tinçurin’s comedy “Җилкәнсезләр” (“Unmoored”, 1926), the most striking examples of “new Soviet plays”, allows identifying the typical features of forming Soviet Tatar dramaturgy: propagation of “building a new life”; conflict based on class struggle; strict division between positive and negative personages; artistic integration of realistic trends and elements of revolutionary romanticism; prevalence of proletarian humanism over the universal one. National dramaturgic traditions of the beginning of the XX century fully survived only in émigré literature.


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Author information

Alsu Samigullovna Sharipova


G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 18, 2021.
  • Published: October 29, 2021.


  • татарская драматургия
  • инвариант
  • Г. Ибрагимов
  • К. Тинчурин
  • Tatar dramaturgy
  • invariant
  • G. Ibragimov
  • K. Tinçurin


© 2021 The Author(s)
© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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