• Original research article
  • October 29, 2021
  • Open access

Landscape Architecture in J. W. Goethe’s Novel “Elective Affinities”


The aim of this paper is to reveal distinct features of architectural and landscape space in J. W. Goethe’s novel “Elective Affinities”. The article explains the role of the ‘garden - park’ opposition, and also examines various approaches to the architectural design of the individual buildings, that differentiate and specify the characters’ system. The novelty of this study is represented by the detailed analysis of the signifying structure of landscape architecture. The results demonstrate semiotic qualities of the landscape gardening objects in terms of their literary representation, which can be ‘read’ as iconological systems.


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Author information

Maria Pavlovna Knertser

St. Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 29, 2021.
  • Published: October 29, 2021.


  • И. В. Гете
  • роман «Избирательное сродство»
  • символ
  • ландшафт
  • архитектура
  • J. W. Goethe
  • novel “Elective Affinities”
  • symbol
  • landscape
  • architecture


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