• Original research article
  • December 28, 2021
  • Open access

Specifics of “Artistic Consciousness” in Female Travelogue of the First Half of the XIX Century (Based on the Notes of E. A. Avdeeva)


The aim of the research is to highlight and characterize the variants of fictionalization of documentary travelogue, the methods of orientation towards precedent texts as a means of expressing the subjective and personal attitudes of the writing subject. The article, based on the notes of E. A. Avdeeva (“Notes and Remarks about Siberia” and “Memories of Irkutsk”), clarifies the specificity of the author’s special strategy - a woman’s view of the journey itself and the way of describing it, reveals the mechanism of text generation of a story about a journey from the point of view of the author’s “artistic consciousness”; the researcher substantiates the legitimacy of studying the female author’s strategy in documentary travelogue against the background of the literary tradition (the development of female literary creativity during the period of emancipation). The scientific novelty of the research lies in studying the specificity of the female author’s strategy in Russian documentary travelogues of the first half of the XIX century (based on the notes of E. A. Avdeeva). As a result, it was proved that in female documentary travelogue of the first half of the XIX century, an analysis of the methods of fictionalization makes it possible to determine the specifics of the “artistic consciousness”, the implicit orientation of the travel writer towards the “feminist literature” of this period.


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Author information

Natalya Vladimirovna Konstantinova


Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 14, 2021.
  • Published: December 28, 2021.


  • беллетризация
  • травелог
  • женская авторская стратегия
  • художественное сознание автора
  • Е. А. Авдеева
  • fictionalization
  • travelogue
  • female author’s strategy
  • author’s artistic consciousness
  • E. A. Avdeeva


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