• Original research article
  • March 31, 2022
  • Open access

Women’s Images in A. P. Platonov’s Novella “The Ethereal Tract”: An Experience of Typology Creation


The purpose of the research is to create a detailed typology of women’s images found in Andrey Platonov’s fantasy novella “The Ethereal Tract”. The paper demonstrates that the main female characters of the novella reflect three ages and three functions of femininity. A woman as the “flesh of the world” waits for male transformative energy, animates an active and therefore aggressive masculine principle. The paper is original in that it is the first to develop and present a detailed typology of women’s images found in Andrey Platonov’s novella “The Ethereal Tract”. The research findings have shown that women’s images make the main men’s images of the novella more prominent and complement them, thus participating in their formation.


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Author information

Marzieh Heidari

Moscow State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 26, 2022.
  • Published: March 31, 2022.


  • Андрей Платонов
  • повесть «Эфирный тракт»
  • типология женских образов
  • мужские образы
  • статья «Душа мира»
  • Andrey Platonov
  • novella “The Ethereal Tract”
  • typology of women’s images
  • men’s images
  • article “The Soul of the World”


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