• Original research article
  • March 31, 2022
  • Open access

Discursively Oriented Study of Impoliteness in Intergenerational Communication


The research aims to study the destructive aspects of impolite verbal behaviour in two age groups (the elderly - young people) in intrafamilial and extrafamilial communication from the viewpoint of the younger generation. The survey revealed a discrepancy in the understanding of polite behaviour between the two generations: the predominance of positive politeness strategies among senior citizens and the preference for distancing strategies among young people. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in applying a discursive approach to the study of impolite behaviour mechanisms in intergenerational communication. The research findings have shown a lack of intentionality in some types of interaction, while classical works on politeness theory traditionally considered it one of the aspects of impolite behaviour.


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Author information

Inna Ivanovna Ikatova


Petrovsky Bryansk State University

Elena Dmitrievna Selifonova


Petrovsky Bryansk State University

Ekaterina Sergeyevna Khrabrova


Petrovsky Bryansk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 7, 2022.
  • Published: March 31, 2022.


  • теория вежливости
  • дискурсивный подход
  • межгенерационная коммуникация
  • невежливость
  • анкетирование
  • politeness theory
  • discursive approach
  • intergenerational communication
  • impoliteness
  • survey


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