• Original research article
  • June 30, 2022
  • Open access

Metaphors of Movement in Narrative Structure of Works from the Collection “In Search of the Truth” by Ya. V. Abramov


The aim of the study is to solve the problem of realizing the meaningful role of movement metaphors in the narrative system of the populist writer Ya. V. Abramov’s works in order to identify his idiostyle and the specifics of artistic generalization processes typical of his creative manner. The article examines the poetics of the movement metaphor in Abramov’s literary texts, the content function of which is realized in the system of the author’s narrative strategies. The study describes the processes of depicting the “path” of the heroes from the short stories collection “In Search of the Truth” by Ya. V. Abramov (1884). In the course of the analysis, it is proved that the author’s choice of narrative strategies is due to the peculiarities of his idiostyle, autobiographical and documentary nature of his prose. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the work for the first time considers the creative manner of Ya. V. Abramov, a writer of the rationalistic-enlightenment trend in classical realism, manifested in the system of the author’s narrative strategies and concretized in the study of the movement metaphor. The results obtained have proved that in Abramov’s narrative, the movement metaphors act as catalysts for the ideological and aesthetic nature of the “truth of life”, that the concept of the stories heroes’ “path” is created by the narrator in a certain topos - a place where the “truth of life” of each is represented. The ideological and aesthetic analysis of Ya. V. Abramov’s prose proves that the writer creates an occasional narrative world and, with the movement metaphors, enhances the semantic role of “change”, “adversity”, “striving for change” when depicting the heroes and artistic circumstances appealing to the reader’s imagination and creativity.


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The publication was prepared as a part of research project No. 20-312-90012\\20 supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project “Scientific and Educational Centre for the Study of Ya. V. Abramov’s Heritage”.

Author information

Alexander Aleksandrovich Monakhov

North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 5, 2022.
  • Published: June 30, 2022.


  • Яков Васильевич Абрамов
  • метафоры движения
  • нарративные стратегии
  • повествователь
  • читатель
  • Yakov Vasilievich Abramov
  • metaphors of movement
  • narrative strategies
  • narrator
  • reader


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