• Original research article
  • June 30, 2022
  • Open access

Role of Narrator as Key Instance in Dramatic Events Development in Fiction Text


The aim of the study is to form the boundaries of the notion “narrator” in relation to a dramatic text and a dramatic event based on a theoretical review of the notion “narrator” in foreign and domestic works on narratology. The scientific novelty is associated with the definition of a narrator’s typological status in the narrative paradigm of a text and in a dramatic situation. The main varieties of a narrator are characterized by functional parameters; the relationship between the categories of author - narrator - narratator is traced in literary texts of various types - epic and drama. The obtained results demonstrate that with the help of a narrator, dramatic events develop, for which the author of a literary text uses various narrative strategies, such as communicative, eventful, temporal, fictional, aesthetic, metanarrative ones. Also, a dramatic narrative synthesizes a lot of narrative principles that are characteristic of an epic text and manifested in the linearity of a narrator and the special position of a remark subject distanced from an end-to end dramatic event. This is especially typical of the Russian drama tradition, which is strongly influenced by the epic beginning in its classical versions from A. S. Pushkin’s Boris Godunov to the stage directions of A. P. Chekhov’s plays performing metanarrative functions.


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Author information

Adnan Mohammed Wijdan

Saratov State University; University of Diyala, Iraq, Diyala, Baqubah

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 9, 2022.
  • Published: June 30, 2022.


  • нарратология
  • типологический статус нарратора
  • драматические события
  • русская драматургия
  • нарративные стратегии
  • narratology
  • narrator’s typological status
  • dramatic events
  • Russian dramaturgy
  • narrative strategies


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