• Original research article
  • July 29, 2022
  • Open access

Linguo-Cognitive Representation of Oppositive Concepts RUSSIAN WORLD - CANCEL CULTURE


The aim of the study is to reveal the specifics of the linguo-cognitive explication of the concepts RUSSIAN WORLD, CANCEL CULTURE. The author analyses the axiological component of the concept RUSSIAN WORLD. The stages of emergence and dynamics of the actualization of the concept CANCEL CULTURE are determined. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the definition of the concepts RUSSIAN WORLD, CANCEL CULTURE as oppositive components-concepts. The author has for the first time identified the stable features that testify to their inclusion in the national cognitive and linguistic worldview. As a result of the study, the polarity of the axiological values transmitted by the representatives of the concepts RUSSIAN WORLD - CANCEL CULTURE participating in the formation of the Russian and Anglo-American conceptual spheres has been determined.


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Author information

Lidiya Borisovna Zdanovskaya


Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin, Krasnodar

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 17, 2022.
  • Published: July 29, 2022.


  • оппозитивный концепт
  • когнитивная лингвистика
  • русская лингвокультура
  • англо-американская лингвокультура
  • аксиология
  • oppositive concept
  • cognitive linguistics
  • Russian linguistic culture
  • Anglo-American linguistic culture
  • axiology


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© 2022 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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