• Original research article
  • September 30, 2022
  • Open access

Value Concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ in the English and Russian Linguistic Cultures (by the Material of Modern Media Texts)


The aim of the study is a contrast-comparative analysis of the concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ in the English and Russian linguistic cultures, which allows us to identify the similarities and ethno-specific features of this phenomenon, representing the mentality and culture of the studied societies. The scientific novelty of this work is substantiated by the fact that the concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ has not been previously studied as a spiritual value of modern society on the basis of media texts with its subsequent comparison in the studied linguocultures. The paper presents the results of a contrast-comparative analysis of the field structures of the concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ, highlights its common and distinctive components in the English and Russian linguistic worldview.


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The publication was prepared within the framework of the research project No. 20-312-90038 supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research “The Conceptual sphere of Spiritual Values in the English and Russian Linguistic Cultures”.

Author information

Asiyat Bagautdinovna Abdulkadyrova

Dagestan State University, Makhachkala

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 29, 2022.
  • Published: September 30, 2022.


  • концепт
  • полевая структура концепта
  • когнитивный признак
  • медийный текст
  • concept
  • field structure of the concept
  • cognitive feature
  • media text


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