• Original research article
  • September 30, 2022
  • Open access

The Semantic Field of Deviation in the Cycle “The Call of Cthulhu” by H. Lovecraft


The aim of the study is to determine the features of the linguistic expression of the semantic field of deviation in the cycle “The Call of Cthulhu” by H. Lovecraft in English. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in the identification of the English language means which determine the various aspects of mental and physiological deviations by the example of the cycle. The results showed that the mental and physiological components of deviations are represented by a polysemantic structure, various forms and means of their expression; such a structure is asymmetric and can vary in accordance with the purpose of the research. The quantitative method defined the specific structural characteristics of the category: the co-occurrence network of linguistic units in the core of the semantic field of the components based on the frequency list, data of the interpretative field.


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Author information

Alexander Sergeevich Ptashkin


National Research Tomsk Polytehnic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 23, 2022.
  • Published: September 30, 2022.


  • категория
  • девиация
  • семантическое поле
  • контекстуальный анализ
  • количественный анализ
  • category
  • deviation
  • semantic field
  • contextual analysis
  • quantitative analysis


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© 2022 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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