• Original research article
  • November 30, 2022
  • Open access

Russian Biblical Phraseological Units with Religious Vocabulary (by the Example of the Notion of “Sin”) in the Aspect of Chinese Linguoculture


The research aims to shed light on the interpretation of the semantics of Russian biblical phraseological units with religious vocabulary (using the notion of “sin” as an example) from the viewpoint of Chinese linguoculture. The paper considers the culturological content of Russian biblical phraseological units with religious vocabulary as carriers of Christian semantics. Main attention is paid to determining the etymology of the notion of “sin” in different cultural contexts (Russian and Chinese). It is shown that the semantics of the biblical phraseological units under consideration can find its reflection in Chinese phraseological units containing a component of another origin. Scientific novelty of the research lies in a cross-cultural examination of the semantics of biblical phraseological units based on the religious notions included in their composition that have a non-identical effect on the linguocultures under study. As a result, the notion of “sin” has been contrasted in different linguistic and cultural traditions; the influence of different religious cultures on the formation of phraseological units in different languages has been revealed.


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The reported study was funded by the Research Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Jiangsu Normal University within the framework of the programmes “Research of Russian biblical phraseological units in the context of the Chinese cultural and linguistic tradition” (9213821102) and “Construction and practice of the curriculum «RSP» from the viewpoint of new engineering” (XJXGKZ07).

Author information

Yuxia Lu


Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, The People’s Republic of China

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 1, 2022.
  • Published: November 30, 2022.


  • религиозная лексика
  • библейский фразеологизм
  • грех
  • лингвокультура
  • religious vocabulary
  • biblical phraseological unit
  • sin
  • linguoculture


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