• Original research article
  • November 30, 2022
  • Open access

Magomed Akhmedov’s Sketches in the Context of National Literary Process Development


The purpose of the research is to identify the main most important components of the artistic and aesthetic paradigm of M. Akhmedov’s literary sketch. The paper is novel in that it represents the first attempt to analyse M. Akhmedov’s literary sketches, their artistic elements from a comparative-contrastive perspective in the context of national artistic traditions. The research findings are as follows: M. Akhmedov’s literary sketch, as a genre that can be attributed both to literary essays and to literary publicism, is also directly related to literary criticism. M. Akhmedov’s sketch emphasises the author’s good knowledge of literature at the cross-section of literary criticism and literary trends. M. Akhmedov’s literary searches are accompanied by reflections on the literary environment, literary analysis of works by outstanding writers of various ethnic groups and different historical periods in his books “Classical Stars” and “The Poet”.


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Author information

Shanisat Magomedovna Gadzhilova


Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 25, 2022.
  • Published: November 30, 2022.


  • М. Ахмедов
  • литературный этюд
  • художественная публицистика
  • аварская литература
  • творческие поиски
  • M. Akhmedov
  • literary sketch
  • literary publicism
  • Avar literature
  • creative searches


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