• Original research article
  • November 30, 2022
  • Open access

Pronoun «такое» in Colloquial Speech: From Demonstrativeness to Indefiniteness (by the Example of the Construction «ну такое»)


The purpose of the research is to describe the semantics and grammatical functions of the neuter singular pronoun «такое» in colloquial speech. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the traditionally studied pronoun belongs to the category of demonstrative pronouns that primarily perform a deictic function, however, the analysis of real language contexts shows that there are grounds for expanding the semantics and functions of this language unit. The paper analyses modern approaches to the morphological description of the linguistic unit «такое», describes the possible meanings and functions of the pronoun in synchrony, considers the relationship between the neuter singular form of the pronoun «такой» and the category of impersonality. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the pronoun «такой» in the neuter singular form in colloquial speech (usage) can express the meaning of indefiniteness and perform an evaluative function. In addition, possible reasons for the emergence of this meaning in the specified word form, such as intra-linguistic enantiosemy and the asymmetric dualism of the linguistic sign underlying it, have been identified and the further linguistic fate of the studied language unit has been described.


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Author information

Svetlana Mikhailovna Kuznetsova


Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. J. Kikot’ (Tver Branch)

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 18, 2022.
  • Published: November 30, 2022.


  • указательное местоимение
  • неопределенное местоимение
  • разговорная речь
  • асимметричный дуализм языкового знака
  • энантиосемия
  • demonstrative pronoun
  • indefinite pronoun
  • colloquial speech
  • asymmetric dualism of the linguistic sign
  • enantiosemy


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