• Original research article
  • January 31, 2023
  • Open access

Folklore Traditions and Foundations of Kyazim Mechiyev’s Poetics


The annotated paper explores the insufficiently studied aspects of the versification of the classic of Karachay-Balkar poetry Kyazim Mechiyev, in particular the connection with folklore poetic traditions and the author’s innovation in the transition to a new system of versification in the pre-written period of national literature development. The research aims to identify the peculiarities of K. Mechiyev’s versification, their conditionality by the new cultural circumstances, i.e. the emergence of opportunities for the printed distribution of poetic texts instead of the traditional handwritten one, the appearance of readers instead of listeners, an increase in the level of both listenership and readership. Scientific novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the work is the first to shed light on the complex of poetic techniques used by K. Mechiyev in the organisation of the verse, his commitment to the Turkic system of versification and the author’s artistic identity. The research findings have shown the relevance of the topic, have revealed the richness and originality of the author’s poetic skill. The chosen perspective for the research has demonstrated its importance for understanding K. Mechiyev’s creative searches in the field of versification and its significance for understanding the formal structures of the author’s poetics, as well as the necessity for further study of K. Mechiyev’s poetic innovations in the formation of written literature, primarily poetry.


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Author information

Tamara Shamsudinovna Bittirova


Institute for the Humanities Research - Branch of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nalchik

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 29, 2022.
  • Published: January 31, 2023.


  • Кязим Мечиев
  • тюркский стих
  • новаторство и традиции фольклора
  • балкарская поэзия
  • стихосложение
  • Kyazim Mechiyev
  • Turkic verse
  • innovation and folklore traditions
  • Balkarian poetry
  • versification


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