• Original research article
  • January 31, 2023
  • Open access

Recycling of Soviet Hackneyed Phrases and Ideological Clichés in A. Gladilin’s Memoir Prose


The paper analyses the role of ideological clichés in the author’s early prose, then in his later memoir prose, identifies differences in their functioning in early and later texts, consequently, confirms the fact of recycling. The research aims to determine the features of the functioning of Soviet hackneyed phrases and ideological clichés in A. Gladilin’s memoir prose “Street of the Generals”. The referential function of Soviet ideological clichés is practically lost in comparison with early literary texts, but the metalanguage function increases, which allows the author to create an atmosphere of trust, a sense of spiritual unity with the reader and further extrapolate the author’s personal perception of the era to the consciousness of the generation as a whole. The research is original in that it is the first to conduct such a comparative analysis of A. Gladilin’s creative work. In addition, it is the first time that ideological clichés in A. Gladilin’s creative work become the subject of special analysis, although the question of the author’s gravitation towards clichéd plots and characters has already been raised in literary studies (I. Solovyova, L. Anninsky, M. Chudakova, A. Chudakov, I. Belova, B. Sokolov). As a result, the change in the functions of Soviet hackneyed phrases and ideological clichés in A. Gladilin’s prose has been shown and a special type of creative reconstruction of the Soviet that is characteristic of recycling has been identified. Recycling in its turn is a key means of secondary mythologisation: elements of the Soviet myth serve as a building material for constructing a new author’s myth about the epoch and about himself.


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The reported study was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, research project No. 19-18-00414 “Soviet Culture Today (Forms of Cultural Recycling in Russian Art and Aesthetics of the Everyday Life. The 1990s-2010s)”.

Author information

Maria Dmitrievna Andrianova


Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 15, 2022.
  • Published: January 31, 2023.


  • шестидесятники
  • ресайклинг
  • А. Гладилин
  • советская культура
  • мемуарная проза
  • the Sixtiers
  • recycling
  • A. Gladilin
  • Soviet culture
  • memoir prose


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